lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2007

Lo que emos aprendido

Hicimos un trabajo para recordar todo lo que hicimos en el año y que aprendimos como:

¿Que es el Internet?

Trabajo Futurista

Hardware y Software

Inicio PC

Derechos del autor

Hacernos un blog

Componentes de la CPU

Tipos de buscadores

lunes, 29 de octubre de 2007

The last stand

The Last Stand
Eres el único superviviente y debes defenderte de todos los zombies que intentan atraparte

lunes, 9 de julio de 2007

Hola amigos

Hola cheater los invito a mi pagina tiene las mejores claves para ps2 si quieren recomendasiones vayan a

Claves para Tom Raider Legends

Este juego es uno de los mejores para PS2 y hay tantas claves que pondremos pocas.
Cheat mode
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding cheat. When a task has been completed, a message with the code will appear. Cheats cannot be enabled until they are first unlocked in this manner. Note: Use the following trick to keep cheat codes enabled with a new game. After unlocking the use of a cheat code, load a level and enable the code(s) (for example, "Bulletproof Lara" and "One shot kill"). Quit the game and start a new game and the cheats should remain active. Note: This does not work with the weapon codes.
Bulletproof Lara
Successfully complete England with a time less than 27:00 in Time Trial mode. While playing the game, hold L1 and press X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, L2. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Draw enemy health
Successfully complete Bolivia with a time less than 12:30 in Time Trial mode. While playing the game, hold L1 and press Square, Circle, X, L2, R1, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Infinite assault rifle ammunition
Successfully complete Japan with a time less than 12:15 in Time Trial mode. While playing the game, hold L2 and press X, Circle, X, L1, Square, Triangle. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.
Infinite shotgun ammunition
Successfully complete Ghana with a time less than 20:00 in Time Trial mode. While playing the game, hold L2 and press R1, Circle, Square, L1, Square, X. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.

lunes, 25 de junio de 2007

No a la querra

No a la Guerra
Animación tipo South Park de Aznar y Blair apoyando a Bush para que ataque a Irak

El Atizador Anties 3

El Atizador Anties3
La Webería de Gomaespuma nos presenta este juego para desahogarte del trabajo dando golpes a tu amigo Raúl

Video game quiz

Video Game Quiz
¿A qué personaje de video juego te pareces más?, completa 16 preguntas que te hacen (en ingles) y lo sabrás

The simpsonmaker

The Simpsomaker
Ahora puedes crear tus propios personajes de los Simpsons, elige los ojos, peluca, cuerpo, etc. Cuando lo tengas terminado puedes imprimirlo para colgarlo en tu habitación

Cosmic crush

Cosmic Crush
Únete a otros meteoritos más pequeños que tú para convertirte en un gran planeta

9 Doors

9 Doors
Una de las nueve puertas te llevará a un lugar feliz, las otras ocho acabarán contigo de una forma muy peculiar

Claves para Call of Duty 3

Hay tantas claves que pondremos algunas

1)Easy completion of Night Drop mission
When you meet up with the French rebels you will have a choice to go left to the Flak 88s or go through the house to the right. Go left to the guns, then kill all the Nazis around the gun and in the ditch leading to the next gun. Then, blow up the 88 and move on to the rest of the guns. After you blow up all the guns you will reach the house you would have if you went right. When you go in the house you must defeat a Nazi that is standing there waiting for you. Kill all the enemies in the house and fall through the burning floor. You will see your allies there waiting for you.
2)Good gun in The Island mission
In the second mission, "The Island", there will be a man under the second bridge with a FG42 scoped. That gun will get more ammunition every time you kill someone. The gun starts with 96 ammo remaining and you can kill about 150 people with it (not including melee). After completing that mission you will have the gun on the third mission, but you must save the gun through the third mission to get it in the fourth mission and so on.
Scoped FG42 in The Mace mission
When you get to the part where you must keep the Nazis from the trenches, do not listen to the men. Go to the right and follow the path to find an FG42 scoped leaning on a crate.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2007

Claves para el juego de spiderman 3

Hay tantas claves para este juego que pondremos las mas importantes:
1)Play as Venom
Collect all 100 Metorite Pieces to unlock Venom.
2)Black suit
Collect all 50 Spider Emblems to unlock the Black Spider-Man suit to wear anytime desired without any negative effects.
3)Rival gang reward
Choose any of the gang patrol missions (Apocalypse, Dragon Tail, H-Bombers, Waste Tribe), and defeat all of their marked territories that match their logos to earn 3 experience points.
4)Easy Hero Points
Play through Story mode and take every boss' picture and any gang members desired, but make sure to leave at least one. After completing Story mode, take any remaining pictures you have not taken to get around 15 Hero Points. Then, save the game and reset your PS2. Load your saved game file and you should hear and see the Villain Photos complete and get another 15 Hero Points. Spend them, save, and repeat the process as many times as desired.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

Claves para destroy all the humans 2

Este juegos tiene tantas claves para play station 2 que pondremos las mas generales y mejores son:

1)Swingin' Jukebox
Successfully complete the indicated mission to unlock the corresponding music for the Swingin' Jukebox:
Albion Disguised: Mission 10
Albion Hunted: Mission 10
Albion Undisguised: Mission 10
Back In That Room: Mission 4
Bay City Disguised: Mission 5
Bay City Hunted: Mission 5
Bay City Undisguised: Mission 5
Destroy All Humans 2 Theme: Mission 19
Dirty Red: Mission 21
Down In The Valley: Mission 9
Help You Ann: Mission 12
Long Road: Mission 9
Moon Base Solaris Disguised: Mission 28
Moon Base Solaris Hunted: Mission 28
Moon Base Solaris Undisguised: Mission 28
Pattern Skies: Rage Of Aquarius side-mission
Pier 13: Mission 18
She Changes Like The Weather: Mission 3
Takoshima Disguised: Mission 16
Takoshima Hunted: Mission 16
Takoshima Undisguised: Mission 16
Tunguska Disguised: Mission 22
Tunguska Hunted: Mission 22
Tunguska Undisguised: Mission 22
Turn It Off: Mission 18
When You Touch Me: Rage Of Aquarius side-mission
2) Gallery
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding gallery entry under the "Archives" menu:
Crypto's Back!: Successfully complete Gene Blend: Crypto's Back.
Desperately Seeking Natalya: Successfully complete Gene Blend: Natalya's Secrets.
Furons A-Go-Go!: Successfully complete Gene Blend: Furons A-Go-Go!.
It's the Sixties: Successfully complete Gene Blend: The Swinging Sixties.
Oh the Humanity!: Successfully complete Gene Blend: Oh the Humanity.
Popular Mechanics: Successfully complete Gene Blend: Popular Mechanics.
The Martians... Err, Blisk are Coming!: Successfully complete Gene Blend: The Blisk Files.
3)Alien Artifact Detector
Successfully complete all of the Arkvoodle Cult missions in Albion. The last Arkvoodle Cult mission in Albion has two parts. Shama Llama will tell you to go back to Bay City and talk to The Freak and convince him to paint a poster for you. Once you complete that mission, go back to Albion and complete the last Arkvoodle Cult mission there to unlock the Alien Artifact Detector. The Alien Artifact Detector makes any Alien Artifact appear on your mini-map/radar (as a blinking red dot) when you are near one.